Sana Ganguly, daughter of former Indian cricket captain Sourav Ganguly, was involved in a car accident on Diamond Harbour Road in Kolkata on Wednesday evening. According to eyewitnesses, Sana's car was hit by a private bus near Behala Chowrasta. The bus lost control and collided with Sana's car, which was severely damaged.
Fortunately, Sana escaped unhurt in the accident. However, she was shaken by the incident. Police arrived at the spot immediately and arrested the bus driver. Sana was rescued and taken to a safe location.
According to sources, the accident occurred when two private buses were racing near Behala Chowrasta. Sana's car was caught in the middle, and one of the buses collided with it. The police have taken the bus driver into custody and are investigating the matter.
Sana, who lives in London, had come to Kolkata to celebrate the New Year with her family. Her father, Sourav Ganguly, was the former president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). The Ganguly family has not commented on the incident yet.